Red fruit pavlova recipe

The meringue

  • 125g room temperature egg whites
  • 215g granulated sugar
  • 15g cornstarch (Maïzena)
  • 1 tsp white vinegar
  • Spice mix of your choice: a pinch of cinnamon, seeds from a vanilla pod...

The day before, make a meringue:

Weigh all the ingredients in small containers. Be precise: the balance of the meringue is strict. Pour the egg whites into the bowl of your KitchenAid mixer, which you will use to whip the meringue. Add the sugar and the cornstarch. Mix with a whisk. Whip with the mixer at speed 6-8 for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, add the teaspoon of vinegar. Whip again for 1 minute at maximum speed to "stiffen" the whites. If desired, add the spices. Whip for a few seconds to obtain a homogeneous mixture. The meringue has the right texture to be piped when it forms a very firm "bird's beak."

Spread the meringue with a spatula or pipe it into the desired shape on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake the meringue at 100°C (th. 3-4) in a preheated oven for 1 hour 45 minutes. After baking, let it cool completely.

Heat half of the cream, then pour it very hot, just before boiling, over the zest and set aside in the refrigerator.

Recette pour 6 personnes - Temps 2h - Assez facile - Bon marché.

La meringue est à réaliser la veille

The Cream

  • 20 cl very cold liquid fresh cream
  • 40 g mascarpone
  • 10 g 4 red fruits tea from Dammann Frères

The same day, strain the infused cream to remove the leaves. Add the remaining half of plain cream, very cold, and the mascarpone.

Whip the mixture with a mixer until you obtain a firm and silky whipped cream. Keep refrigerated until ready to assemble.


Hull the strawberries and cut them into beveled pieces.

Fill the meringue with cream, spreading it evenly.

Place the strawberries on the cream, then the raspberries, and finally the redcurrants. Keep refrigerated until serving.

Tips & Tricks

For the cream to whip well, it must be very cold. You can put the plain cream in the freezer for 15 minutes before whipping it. The container in which you whip the cream should also be very cold.

To Vary the Pleasures

Teas are an endless source of infusion ideas: a jasmine tea will also go very well with strawberries and raspberries, or a green tea. Be creative!