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Pavlova Pimprenelle

Meringue, whipped cream with Tagada strawberry flavor, strawberries.

VAT included

This week, our chef had a craving for strawberries of all kinds, even the Tagada strawberry from his childhood. The result is delightfully nostalgic. "Happy back-to-school, little ones," Nicolas and Pimprenelle would have wished you.

Available from 2024-09-06 to 2024-09-19


Let's say I've gone back to my childhood: this nostalgic Tagada strawberry flavor in the whipped cream with two kinds of late-season strawberries. You won't mind, just for the back-to-school season, right? And since we're embracing nostalgia, try our old-fashioned macarons, one of my madeleines de Proust.