
Only available in : Click & collect and delivery in Paris


Chocolate pavlova roll

Soft meringue, chocolate cream, praline, and cacao nibs.

VAT included

A soft and airy meringue, rolled like a sponge cake, with chocolate whipped cream, praliné and cocoa nibs add a delightful crunch.

Available from 2022-11-17 to 2025-12-31


The challenge we shared with our pastry chef was to create a light and nostalgic treat, with chocolate and praline. The meringue's baking technique is very particular, giving it a soft, almost mousse-like texture, similar to a Floating Island dessert.

When it comes to chocolate, we also have our chocolate babka and our homemade spread. You have to give them a try!

Une meringue moelleuse et aérienne, roulée comme une génoise, avec une crème fouettée au chocolat, du praliné croustillant et des fèves de cacao concassées.

A noter - les commandes des individuelles ne seront pas possibles pour les 24 et 25 décembre.