Special Mother's Day Pavlova

Beyond the essential pasta necklaces or the touching poems from our children, Mother's Day is a family and friendly occasion, a pretext to share a good lunch… and why not a delicious special Mother's Day pavlova or a light meringue strawberry cake.

Mother's Day cakes in pavlova style by La Meringaie

Let's start with a little tour around the world: in France, we celebrate Mother's Day on the fourth Sunday of May; in Anglo-Saxon countries, Mother's Day takes place on the second Sunday of May. In both cases, it's spring, and the emblematic seasonal fruit of May is the strawberry. And what better to accompany seasonal strawberries than a crunchy and soft meringue and a flavored whipped cream, in short, a pavlova.

Our special Mother's Day pavlova, Augustine, features whipped cream infused with red fruit tea from Dammann Frères, strawberries, raspberries, and redcurrants. The tea is infused in the cream before being whipped; it is flavorful, not too sweet, and highlights the fragrance of fresh seasonal fruits. La Meringaie's Mother's Day pavlova is the ideal light and original dessert for your mom.

Light meringue strawberry cake for Mother's Day

What if we replaced the sponge cake of a strawberry shortcake with an airy, soft meringue... And here is La Meringaie's meringue strawberry cake: lime whipped cream, a gluten-free biscuit base, soft meringue on top, and seasonal strawberries.

You’ve never tasted a strawberry cake this light.

And of course, it is naturally GLUTEN-FREE!

La Meringaie's Macarons

And our pavlovas have inspired macarons. You will find the signature flavors of our pavlovas:

For example, Pélagie, with lime whipped cream, raspberry, and passion fruit, becomes a lime, raspberry, and passion fruit macaron.

Or Félicité, with chocolate whipped cream, raspberry, and orange, pear, or apricot depending on the season, becomes the Félicité macaron, with chocolate and raspberry.

Or Augustine, with raspberry and redcurrant.

12 flavors. Available in boxes of 6 or 12 macarons, which La Meringaie can ship anywhere in France to your mom, or as a macaron pyramid to share with her on the day.

Our traditional macarons are also addictive.