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Praline rose meringue

Small meringues with pink praline

VAT included

Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, these small meringues are the perfect treat for pink praline lovers.

Juliette F., a 25-year-old student, visits our shop every time she is in her exam period. She comes to get her meringue fix with our Pink Praline Meringuettes. We don’t know if she loves them because they remind her of her childhood, because she loves the color pink… or both? Who knows...


When we challenged the team to come up with new meringuette ideas, one of our pastry chefs took on the task and, voilà, one test later, the pink praline was approved and in store the next day. Talk about responsiveness 😀 It's pretty and super tasty. Thank you, Morgan.

Also, try the speculoos version. It's amazing!

Juliette F. 25 ans, étudiante, nous rend visite en boutique à chaque fois qu’elle est en période d’examens. Elle vient prendre sa dose de meringue avec nos Meringuettes à la praline rose. On ne sait pas si elle les adore parce qu’elles lui rappellent son enfance, parce qu’elle adore le rose… ou les deux ? allez savoir….