Easter Pavlova

Chocolate and Easter, Easter chocolate, the two have been associated for a long time: it started with the eggs that were not eaten during Lent, then the idea of decorating them, and finally filling them with chocolate. The bells did not ring during the Easter period; children were told that they had gone to Rome and on their way back, they scattered chocolate eggs in the gardens.

Gloria, the first strawberries and chocolate, the ideal Easter pavlova

So, chocolate, indulgence, and the lightness of pavlova, how is it possible?

It's very simple: a crunchy and soft meringue, vanilla whipped cream, the first strawberries of the season, and thin, crispy chocolate sheets.

Does this combination of vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate remind you of something nostalgic?

That's normal!!

Bérénice, another very chocolatey pavlova, probably one of the favorites of a large part of the team

Let's start gently: the meringue is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, as it should be; the whipped cream is light and silky.

Now, onto the serious stuff: a generous layer of milk chocolate and passion fruit ganache is piped onto the cream. And at that moment, you just regret not having dipped your spoon into the ganache before it was placed on the pavlova.

Final touch, raspberries, and mangoes.

P.S.: For those not familiar with ganache, it's the mixture, the emulsion, of chopped chocolate and very hot liquid cream: the chocolate melts, we whisk it together, and the ganache becomes smooth and shiny. No dipping your finger in it 😊

Chocolatiers today compete in creativity.

Every year, chocolate animals invade our stores: hens, rabbits, sheep, ducks… in dark chocolate or milk chocolate, filled with small praline chocolate eggs, they will be scattered by the bells returning from Rome on Easter Sunday. A little basket, an egg hunt, and the sharing of the loot, fairly distributed between the young and old, obviously negotiated fiercely before the hunt.

And since parents love chocolate and are big kids themselves, they can, of course, sneak a few from the baskets... in secret...